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Search Engine Marketing

Introduction to Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Search Engine Marketing is marketers bidding for slots where their website listing is visible when users search for relevant keywords. 

Search for a product or a service you are interested in buying. Take a look at the paid ads that appear
Who do they seem to be targeting?
Are they similar to what you searched for?
SEM auction

Marketers need to bid for the positions where ads need to be displayed.
Winning a bid depends on two factors.

  1. Max Cost per click. Bid amount for each click. For ex: 2 $ per click.  This is changed dynamically.
  2. Quality Score. Relevance of the ad to keyword searched.  Measured from 1 to 10.

Ad rank depends on combination of Max CPC and Quality score. 
Ad rank: Max CPC * quality score determine performance in auction.

Marketers need to review campaigns consistently.
You can’t buy your way to auction. If they are not relevant.

Search keywords relevant to your business.
What do you notice about the ads for these keywords?
Which ads appear on top. Which ones appear at the bottom.
Jot down your observations for future reference.

What makes a good keyword

  • Relevance
  • Traffic
  • Competition

Key word can be a phrase as well.

Keyword research tools help get relevant keywords. Use Google keyword planner

Make your ads stand out
Use following tips to get higher visibilty to the ads

  • Customize headline
  • Offer discount
  • Call to action

Research keyword, and constantly monitor bid prices.

Offers and promotions

Find out what will make your customer come to your site.


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