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Email marketing

Email marketing
Common features and benefits
  Builds customer engagement and loyalty
  Build relationships
Set goals
showcase products and services
Bring customers
Increase number of visitors
People must give permission for you to do email marketing.
Don’t overwhelm customers
Ask questions to know about customer interests
Educating customers about your products
build Contact list of loyal customers
Offer discounts
Show relevant content to customers
Get feedback from customers
Understand what went well, what didn’t go well
Say thanks
Engaging content helps grow loyal customers
Personalized content

Build email data: Name, Email, Contact number, Other information
Get people to subscribe / unsubscribe to your list.
Customizable forms to get subscribe.
Short / easy to complete
Get started with an email address
Examples: Cat list, Dog list
Template for email campaign
Ability to schedule email sending.
At what times customers are checking emails?
Track who is clicking your mails.
Track customer behaviour once they login
Helps provide personalized content
Crafting great marketing emails
Effective subject line of email – short and simple
Personalize / localize subject line.

Links to call to action
Bold text to highlight important message
Options for unsubscribe, update contact information. make it simple for customers to unsubscribe. this is good customer service.
 Short and Strong subject link
 Concise content with fun and engaging content
 Include helpful links

Each email campaign teaches what works and what doesn’t.
Iterate, iterate, iterate. keep experimenting with subject lines, content, time of email dispatch till you hit sweet spot.
Over a period of time, better campaigns can be built.
managing successful email campaigns
Create better campaigns
A/B testing: create 2 versions of your email and send to different users to test which one works better.
-       Test different subject lines
-       Frequency of email delivery
See what your audience prefer and adjust.
Don’t send too many emails.
Ex: send monthly digest

     Test different versions
-       Use analytics to see which one works best
-       Creating relevant landing pages

Landing page: Home page of your business website.
Open rates: how many mails you send are being opend by customers.
Click through rate: How many mails opened are getting to second level ( call to action / next page etc)
Analytics: how customer is behaving after logging into your website. what content is engaging, how much time spent by different customers. this information helps re-work on better content / targeting etc. helps increase ROI.
Conversion optimization: increasing percentage of visitors who complete your goal.
Cost per click: the amount of money required to produce a single click on a digital advertisement
Write a simple marketing email.
Come up with different subject lines u can use to do A/B testing to choose between.



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