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Showing posts from October, 2016

Search Engine Marketing

Introduction to Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Search Engine Marketing is marketers bidding for slots where their website listing is visible when users search for relevant keywords.  Action: Search for a product or a service you are interested in buying. Take a look at the paid ads that appear Who do they seem to be targeting? Are they similar to what you searched for? SEM auction Marketers need to bid for the positions where ads need to be displayed. Winning a bid depends on two factors. Max Cost per click. Bid amount for each click. For ex: 2 $ per click.  This is changed dynamically. Quality Score. Relevance of the ad to keyword searched.  Measured from 1 to 10. Ad rank depends on combination of Max CPC and Quality score.  Ad rank: Max CPC * quality score determine performance in auction. Marketers need to review campaigns consistently. You can’t buy your way to auction. If they are not relevant. Action Search keywords relevant to

Search Engine Optimization

Introduction to SEO Definition - the practice of making changes to webpages, content, and promotion of the content to improve visibility in organic search engine results. How search ranks a website? Keywords used Links to other sites Action: Check what gets some word search into paid or organic results Approach for a good SEO Develop Prioritize Adjust How to improve keyword targeting? Start with keyword research to figure out what your customers are looking for Use that info to access success and failure of your keywords Keep improving on your inputs to keywords Action: Start creating SEO plan for your website Many search engines use blogs to communicate changes they made recently. Keep following to be up to date. Use google trends to research keywords How to choose keywords Frequency : no. of times a keyword is searched for. Competition : Only few keywords have high search volume. Many keywords hav

Digital Garage on Digital marketing

Google Digital Garage course on Digital marketing Purpose: this course should help a layman understand what is digital marketing. How can one get his/her business online. what is website? what content should go into website. how to target customers through email marketing? SEO, SEM, Analytics concepts etc. Running notes Getting business online Following is mandatory on any web page you want to create About us page Phone number ( on every page) Map Your addresses Your products and services Search ( on every page) Home page / logo ( on every page) What it means for the customers? How can you solve customer problem. Don’t brag about yourself. Solve customer pain point through your content. Site navigation Style - page layout should be consistent across all pages. Don’t make people scroll too long. Use headers / sub headings Write for the audience. Include Call to action - tell user what to do next. Include Roadmap / site map

Email marketing

Email marketing Common features and benefits    Builds customer engagement and loyalty    Build relationships Set goals showcase products and services Bring customers Increase number of visitors People must give permission for you to do email marketing. Don’t overwhelm customers Ask questions to know about customer interests Educating customers about your products build Contact list of loyal customers Offer discounts Show relevant content to customers Get feedback from customers Understand what went well, what didn’t go well Say thanks Engaging content helps grow loyal customers Personalized content Build email data: Name, Email, Contact number, Other information Get people to subscribe / unsubscribe to your list. Customizable forms to get subscribe. Short / easy to complete Get started with an email address Examples: Cat list, Dog list Template for email campaign Ability to schedul